Winston Boyer
June 4, 2016 – June 26, 2016
- This event has passed.
Trident Gallery is very pleased to present Ocean, an exhibition of twenty large-scale photographs of ocean horizons by Winston Boyer. Ocean is the artist’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, which has shown his work since its inception in 2013.
Gallery hours during the exhibition are Saturday 10–7; Friday, Sunday, and Monday 10–5; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 12–5, and by appointment. The gallery will host a public reception for the artist on Saturday, June 11, 6–8pm, and the artist will give a presentation “Painting and Photography” at 4pm on Sunday, June 12.
Photographed most often from the majestical height of the coastal mountains of Big Sur, California, where the artist lived for fourteen years, Boyer’s Ocean Series images show elemental views of sea, sky, and clouds having widely varying colors, moods, sculptural forms, and dramatic tensions within their tightly disciplined compositions. Human elements are absent, and the high vantages encourage detachment and contemplation, allowing viewers also to appreciate the images as abstractions recalling the “multiforms” of Mark Rothko.
Two images in the exhibition were photographed in Gloucester, Massachusetts, a location which like Big Sur is renowned for the special qualities of its light, atmosphere, and perspectives of sea and sky.
Boyer makes limited edition pigment prints on paper or canvas, 3½, 5, 6, and 7 feet high. Twenty prints will be on view at Trident Gallery, representing all sizes and both surfaces.
In each of Winston Boyer’s several series of photographs, formal elements of lighting, composition, and subject matter continue a conversation between photography and other forms of visual art which distinguishes and elevates Boyer’s work. Looking at his prints, our expectations from photography and from other mediums collide and crumble, and we experience the image elevated and freed from these limitations, hovering between the reality of ordinary perception and the sur-reality of memory, experience, knowledge, and imagination. Boyer will describe his career-long engagement with sculpture, architecture, cinema, and painting in his presentation on June 12th.