Alex Khomski
Alex Khomski was born in Moscow, attended the Stroganov Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts in Moscow, and became a member of the Moscow Union of Graphic Artists, an organization supporting non-conformist art in the Communist era. With support from the Union, Khomski participated in the 1989 exhibition Bonn-Moscow: Russian Vanguard Art in Bonn, Germany. The following year, Gallery Doll in Kotzting, Germany, presented Khomsky’s first solo exhibition.
Seeking more artistic freedom, Alex moved to the US in the 1990s. Currently he works in a studio the Boston Center for the Arts and works in oil painting, sculpture, and photocollage.
“When words are insufficient, pictures start,” he writes. His work often explores the interaction of differing systems of values through imaginative hybrids and collage: religion and consumerism, everyday existence and dream life, popular art and the traditions of Russian icon painting, and others
In his Secret Garden series of oil paintings, the subjects are imagined hybrids of plants and animals. Many possess some characteristics of the Venus Flytrap, a carnivorous plant (Dionaea muscipula).
Khomsky’s work is in significant private collections and has been exhibited in the US, Canada, and Europe, including Gallery 444 (San Francisco CA), Nan Miller Gallery (Rochester NY), InterArt Gallery Reigh (Cologne, Germany), Mixed Media Gallery (New York NY), State Tretykov Gallery (Moscow, Russia), Zimmerli Art Museum (New Brunswick NJ); Russian Museum of Modern Art (Jersey City NJ), and Arhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts (Arhangelsk, Russsia).